Training - Preventing Maltreatment in Sport
@ Online
Oct. 15, 2024 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
Team Staff - save the dates! October 9th and 15th.
Ringette Alberta is thrilled to welcome Allison Forsyth (Generation Safe) as a presenter in October for education on preventing maltreatment in sport. This presentation is critical to our efforts to reduce maltreatment in sport and will help provide coaches with clarity and tools to prevent maltreatment.
Attendance at these two sessions is mandatory for ALL Head Coaches U12 through U19, NRL, and University. Active Start, U10 and all other team staff are welcome and encouraged to attend as well.
It's offered in two parts, and attendees must attend both and have their cameras on throughout so we know they are present. Coaches will receive PD points.